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  • 主演:Paolo Macchiarini
  • 导演:Ben Steel       地区:英国(2023 )      类型: 犯罪  
  • 简介:

    最后更新于2023-11-08T21:01:03 ,   Netflix is in production on a documentary series about Paolo Macchiarini, a disgraced surgeon convicted of ..


  Netflix is in production on a documentary series about Paolo Macchiarini, a disgraced surgeon convicted of gross assault for implanting artificial windpipes in patients who later died.   The documentary will spotlight the work of Macchiarini, who set out to revolutionize regenerative medicine in 2011 by implanting plastic windpipes in patients desperate for a cure.   But Swedish-born Macchiarini lied about his research and three of those he treated died, while a fourth later had their artificial windpipe removed.   A Swedish appeals court convicted Macchiarini on Wednesday and sentenced him to two-and-a-half years in prison. He has denied any criminal wrongdoing.   According to Associated Press, the Svea Court of Appeal ruled that two of the three patients who died did not require emergency intervention, while the procedure on the third was not justified.
可能你会想看: 坏外科医生:刀下的爱  


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